National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Framework

UCs will function within the National Vocational Qualification Framework which is a well-established system in Sri Lanka unifying the skills training and development of the country’s human resources. The Sri Lanka National Vocational Qualification Framework in operation enhances the skills training in the country. In this system, the course curricula that students, which are developed, in consultation with the industry. The National competency standard (NCS) is a written specification of the knowledge, skills and attitude required in a particular occupation or an occupation area. NCS focuses on what the employees are able to do in the workplace rather than on the learning process.

In the Competency based curricula, the competencies specified in the standards are transformed in to learning outcomes. The students will be taught and assessed using competency based approach which involves collection of evidence throughout the course period to confirm that the student can perform the skills and knowledge to the specified standards.


Qualification Levels in NVQ System

This system awards qualification at seven (07) levels. Level 1- 4, national certificate levels are to recognize the increasing levels of competencies up to a master craftsman. Level 5 & 6 are Diploma Level qualifications recognizing the Levels of competencies ranging from technician to middle level management. NVQ 7 degree or equivalent level will include necessary skills for planning, resourcing and managing processes.

Table 1: Definition of NVQ Levels

LevelQualification Description
Level 1CertificateRecognition for core Entry Level skills
Level 2CertificateWork under supervisionRecognize the increasing level of competencies
Level 3CertificateWork under some supervision
Level 4CertificateMaster level craftsmanship with ability to apply skill independently and supervise others as well
Level 5DiplomaRecognize the increasing level of competencies from technician to management levels
Level 6Higher Diploma
Level 7Bachelor’s DiplomaThis level recognize the competencies at planning, resourcing and process management level