University College of Matara (UCM) offers Higher National Diploma in Building Services Technology at National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Levels 6 with the duration of 3 years. The program of study consists of Foundation course, NVQ levels 5, Six months on the job training (OJT) NVQ Level 6 and Six months on the job training (OJT) continuing to the industrial placement.
Like all other engineered products buildings must do what they were designed to do. They do more than provide shelter from the heat and cold, or from sun wind and rain; they must also provide a safe and healthy environment in which people can live, work and achieve.
Through this course we are aiming to deliver knowledge on applications of scientific principles to design the buildings we need and to do so they focus on aspects of buildings such as: safety, comfortability, efficiency and habitably etc.
Full Time
3 years
University College opens avenues for employment for supervisory and middle level managerial positions in the industry and UCM offers NVQ Level 6 Higher National Diploma in Building Services Technology (HND in BST). After successfully completing the course students can enter to the industry as Assistant Engineers, Managers, Government/ Private school teachers (for the vacancies called for NVQ Level 5 or 6 qualifications), instructors, Maintenance Officers and Technical Officers etc.
With the experience and performance they can promote to the top level of the management hierarchy. And also they can continue their higher studies aiming towards the relevant Bachelor of Technology Degree (B.Tec) programs (NVQ Level 7) conducting at the University of Vocational Technology (UNIVOTEC).
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